Systemics & Computation
SFL has been prominent in computational linguistics, especially in Natural Language Generation (NLG). Penman, an NLG system started at Information Sciences Institute in 1980, is one of the three main such systems, and has influenced much of the work in the field. John Bateman (currently in Bremen, Germany) has extended this system into a multilingual text generator, KPML. Robin Fawcett in Cardiff have developed another systemic generator, called Genesys. Mick O'Donnell has developed yet another system, called WAG. Numerous other systems have been built using Systemic grammar, either in whole or in part.
Macquarie U in Sydney is a center for SFL, and at PACLIC I met Trevor Johnston who helped develop the Australian Sign Bank. Dick Hudson's Word Grammar is considered a spin-off that is based on dependency grammar. Geoffrey Huddleston, co-author of the Cambridge Grammar of the English Language with Geoffrey Pullum, has worked in that tradition. CGEL was cited by Culicover and Jackendoff as the right level of analysis for their Simpler Syntax approach (which addresses the syntactic part of Jackendoff's Parallel Architecture framework).